Getting Started
Before the Class Begins:
Before the First Class Meeting:
Soon after Class Starts:
Learning Styles:
This class assumes you can understand and retain the material in the text by reading and doing the workbook. The class time is dedicated to advancing that knowledge to effective application with a little reinforcing through lectures. Not all students learn well in this style. Please read about the learning process used in this course.
Problems may arise from visual issues, native language, and learning disabilities among other concerns. If you feel you may have a problem in this area. Please call me ASAP so we can discuss the best way for you to get the material.
Working with your mentor and doing advanced reading during the summer are some of the best tools you have to assure a positive class experience.
Learning Process:
The learning process which occurs in this (or any other) class consists of Input, Output, Application, Synthesis and Evaluation phases. Each of these phases is necessary to effective use of OEC skills in an on-the-snow environment. What distinguishes this class is the amount of class time we spend on Application, Synthesis and Evaluation phases and the corresponding level of mastery of OEC that you achieve. In order to spend the time on Application, Synthesis and Evaluation, the Input and Output phases are largely accomplished by you outside of class.
The textbook and handouts are the primary "input" tools. The reading and retention of the material in the text and handouts before the appropriate class session are essential.
The Output phase triples the retention of material you read. The chapter quizzes and online quizzes are the primary Output tools in this course. The Output phase is essential in establishing understanding and retention of the material. Traditional classes provide classroom lecture and discussion to accomplish the "output" phase. Our class time begins with the Application phase, assuming you have largely accomplished the Input and Output phases on your own.
Guided practice provides the application phase in this class. We practice OEC skills striving to apply the material from the text to the situation at hand. In guided practice, we focus on maintaining a rescuer/patient relationship at all times to apply and reinforce patient contact techniques.
Acting as rescuer in scenarios focuses on the Synthesis phase of learning. We apply all we have learned to provide complete care for a series of patients. The scenarios are structured to integrate recently learned material while drawing on material previously learned and providing the "surprise" and "detective" factors which characterize real patient contacts.
We will all act as patients in scenarios. Playing an accurate role as patients is important to learning and the experience in this class. We should know and use the signs and symptoms the patient would experience. We will use some moulage to try and bring some reality to the scenarios. During class, patients provide feedback to the rescuers regarding essential treatment and their performance in the scenario.
- If you have not completed the online registration, please do so now.
- Please arrange to get your textbook so you can begin the reading and completing the skills guides and chapter reviews.
- If you have learning style concerns about your ability to learn the material in the textbook without classroom lecture, please email me immediately.
Before the Class Begins:
- Understand the learning process used in this class.
- If at all possible, read ALL of the textbook before class starts and do the exercises for each chapter.
- Review the syllabus for the schedule. While we have lives outside, missing classes can be detrimental.
- Find and get to know your mentor. Contact your candidate coordinator to identify your mentor.
- Make your cravats. They should be about 62 to 64 inches across the bottom and about 36 inches from base to peak. Plan on making 4. Instructions are on the Support Pages tab.
Before the First Class Meeting:
- Review Chapters listed on the syllabus
- Complete the exercises for the chapters
- Classroom attire should be comfortable clothes and, if desired, a yoga type mat or knee pads. Scenarios are performed on the floor. After some time on your knees it can become uncomfortable.
Soon after Class Starts:
- Make your cravats if you don't have it done already. (You must have them by our first in-person session)
- Plan on having a backpack or similar by the the first in-person class session to carry your medical supplies.
- Beware of the Power Curve.
- Plan on obtaining a watch with a second hand. We will use a watch for taking vitals not a phone.
Learning Styles:
This class assumes you can understand and retain the material in the text by reading and doing the workbook. The class time is dedicated to advancing that knowledge to effective application with a little reinforcing through lectures. Not all students learn well in this style. Please read about the learning process used in this course.
Problems may arise from visual issues, native language, and learning disabilities among other concerns. If you feel you may have a problem in this area. Please call me ASAP so we can discuss the best way for you to get the material.
Working with your mentor and doing advanced reading during the summer are some of the best tools you have to assure a positive class experience.
Learning Process:
The learning process which occurs in this (or any other) class consists of Input, Output, Application, Synthesis and Evaluation phases. Each of these phases is necessary to effective use of OEC skills in an on-the-snow environment. What distinguishes this class is the amount of class time we spend on Application, Synthesis and Evaluation phases and the corresponding level of mastery of OEC that you achieve. In order to spend the time on Application, Synthesis and Evaluation, the Input and Output phases are largely accomplished by you outside of class.
The textbook and handouts are the primary "input" tools. The reading and retention of the material in the text and handouts before the appropriate class session are essential.
The Output phase triples the retention of material you read. The chapter quizzes and online quizzes are the primary Output tools in this course. The Output phase is essential in establishing understanding and retention of the material. Traditional classes provide classroom lecture and discussion to accomplish the "output" phase. Our class time begins with the Application phase, assuming you have largely accomplished the Input and Output phases on your own.
Guided practice provides the application phase in this class. We practice OEC skills striving to apply the material from the text to the situation at hand. In guided practice, we focus on maintaining a rescuer/patient relationship at all times to apply and reinforce patient contact techniques.
Acting as rescuer in scenarios focuses on the Synthesis phase of learning. We apply all we have learned to provide complete care for a series of patients. The scenarios are structured to integrate recently learned material while drawing on material previously learned and providing the "surprise" and "detective" factors which characterize real patient contacts.
We will all act as patients in scenarios. Playing an accurate role as patients is important to learning and the experience in this class. We should know and use the signs and symptoms the patient would experience. We will use some moulage to try and bring some reality to the scenarios. During class, patients provide feedback to the rescuers regarding essential treatment and their performance in the scenario.